Eleanor macnaha magaca ugu wanaagsan: Casri ah, Deeqsi ah, Farxad, Nasiib, Digtoon. Hel Eleanor macnaha magaca.
Kolar macnaha magaca qoys ee ugu fiican: Awoodda u, Casri ah, Nasiib, Saaxiibtinimo, Digtoon. Hel Kolar macnaha magaca qoyska.
Eleanor asal ah magaca koowaad. From the Old French form of the Occitan name Aliénor. It was first borne by the influential Eleanor of Aquitaine (12th century), who was the queen of Louis VII, the king of France, and later Henry II, the king of England Hel Eleanor asal ah magaca koowaad.
Kolar asal ahaan. Derived from Slavic kolar meaning "cartwright". Hel Kolar asal ahaan.
Eleanor diminutives magaca: Elea, Ella, Elle, Ellie, Elly, Leanora, Lenora, Lenore, Nell, Nelle, Nellie, Nelly, Nonie, Nora, Norah, Noreen, Norene. Hel Naanays for Eleanor.
Qoraal ama sida loo Xusa Magaca horeysay Eleanor: EL-ə-nawr. Sida loo Ninkanu Eleanor.
Magacyada isku for Eleanor in dal iyo luqado kala duwan: Aliénor, Eilidh, Eilionoir, Eléonore, Eleonóra, Eleonoora, Eleonor, Eleonora, Eleonore, Ella, Ellen, Elli, Ellinor, Leonor, Leonora, Leonore, Lora, Lore, Lorita, Nóra, Noora, Noor, Noortje, Nora, Norina. Hel Eleanor luqado kale.
Qoyska ugu badan ee la magac Eleanor: Hodgdon, Murley, Liem, Lorent, Hartless. Hel List of qoyska magaca Eleanor.
Inta badan magacyada wadaagaan Magaca awoowe Kolar: Eli, Austin, Rafael, Hal, Khadar Basha, Rafaël. Hel Names in aado Kolar.
Dhignaashada ee Eleanor iyo Kolar waa 86%. Hel Dhignaashada ee Eleanor iyo Kolar.