Elaine macnaha magaca ugu wanaagsan: Kacsan, Awoodda u, Halis ah, Hal abuur leh, Firfircoon. Hel Elaine macnaha magaca.
Elaine asal ah magaca koowaad. From an Old French form of Helen. It appears in Arthurian legend; in Thomas Malory's 15th-century compilation 'Le Morte d'Arthur' Elaine was the daughter of Pelleas, the lover of Lancelot, and the mother of Galahad Hel Elaine asal ah magaca koowaad.
Elaine diminutives magaca: Lainey, Laney. Hel Naanays for Elaine.
Qoraal ama sida loo Xusa Magaca horeysay Elaine: i-LAYN (in English). Sida loo Ninkanu Elaine.
Magacyada isku for Elaine in dal iyo luqado kala duwan: Alena, Alenka, Alyona, Elen, Elena, Elene, Eleni, Eli, Elīna, Eliina, Elin, Elina, Ella, Hélène, Helēna, Heléna, Heleen, Heleena, Heleentje, Helen, Helena, Helene, Heli, Ileana, Ilinca, Jelena, Jeļena, Léan, Leena, Lena, Lene, Leni, Lenka, Lenuța, Lesya, Olena, Shelena, Yelena. Hel Elaine luqado kale.
Qoyska ugu badan ee la magac Elaine: Barker, Lee, Thomas, Atcheson, Schrager. Hel List of qoyska magaca Elaine.
Inta badan magacyada wadaagaan Magaca awoowe Doland: Victor, Mercedes, Pilar, Refugio, Candra, Víctor. Hel Names in aado Doland.